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Artist Autechre
Released 22 March 2010
Label Warp Records (WARP210)
Oversteps Move Of Ten

Oversteps is the tenth studio album by Autechre released on Warp Records. It was originally released on March 22nd, 2010,[1][2] with the companion EP Move Of Ten released a few months later.


Much of the record was done using Nord[3], G2, and Max using Markov chains with "conditional forcing scales and harmonies," [4] with much of the software developed for the sessions later being expanded on with their 2013 record Exai. The main FM synths used on Oversteps were FM8. [5]

Sean answered in passing that a theme in Oversteps was of "memory".[6]


The Designers Republic drew seventy-two[7][8] hand-drawn attempts at "perfect black circles using everything from gloss and poster paint (applied with various sized brushes), to Pantone markers, Sharpies and even resurrected Rotrings"[9] to create unique designs for every unique surface where they would be used. The inspiration sprung from a question regarding what computers can do that humans can't (which was drawing perfect circles), drawing on themes of human vs machine.[7][8][9]

Ian also shared an anecdote that when Autechre was giving him the music, they told him that they thought it was their "most unhuman album" to date, mostly due to the software process behind it.[8] However he thought that it was one of their most organic release, with the first listen drawing up comparison to church organs.[9][8] Ian went on to later say that the work on Oversteps was "one piece of work that means a lot ot me"[7] and a contendor for his favourite piece he's done.[9]

In December 2023, TDR put up 8 posters containing the original circles drawn for Oversteps to their storefront Divine Rights, each for £2,000.[10]


r ess

  • BPM: 120[11]
  • The track title “r ess” could be in reference to the first initials of Rob and Sean.





  • The title possibly references the free console-based audio player of the same name.[12]

see on see


  • After much of the sequencing was completed, Sean noted that the rest of the track became more planned and composed.[13]

os veix3

  • Sean noted that the bit at 1:41 happened by accident.[14]


d-sho qub

  • The precussion used on "d-sho qub" was also used in "nth Dafuseder.b" on Move of Ten. "nth Dafuseder.b" was started before "d-sho qub" but the latter was finished first. [15]

st epreo



  • The title shares its name with Krylon, the spray-paint brand.[16]


Xektses sql

  • Rob noted that Xektses were the remnants of a track that was "turning out better than the track."[17]


# Title Length
1 r ess 5:13
2 ilanders 5:32
3 known(1) 4:43
4 pt2ph8 4:10
5 qplay 4:39
6 see on see 4:37
7 Treale 6:05
8 os veix3 4:38
9 O=0 4:53
10 d-sho qub 6:26
11 st epreo 4:08
12 redfall 3:49
13 krYlon 6:09
14 Yuop 6:22
15 Xektses sql (Japanese CD exclusive) 3:02
Total 1:14:25


  • The cover art's rotated text, in conjunction with the prominent black circle, may be intentionally stylized to resemble the number 10, as Oversteps is Autechre’s tenth album.
  • The CAT number, WARP210, was likely specifically requested by Autechre, as it was the next available number with a “10” in it.
  • An unfinished 2009 demo from the Oversteps sessions is on Hanalgig.



