Autechre / Saw You

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Autechre / Saw You
Artist Autechre
Released 1990
Label self-released

Autechre / Saw You Lego Feet

Autechre / Saw You is the oldest known release from Autechre, created in 1990 as a demo cassette, with only 50 copies made which were shared with friends and labels. [1] On January 13th, 2024, Sean posted downloads for tape transfers of both Autechre [2] and Saw You. [3]



  • The track name came from typing "Au" (due to a 'au' type sample appearing in the track) and then keysmashing the rest until the Atari's 8 character limit was hit. The band themselves liked the name so much they later adopted it as their new pseudonym. [4][5]
  • According to the metadata of Sean's download, it was recorded in 1989.

Saw You

  • When asked about it in 2022, Sean mentioned that in the Sweatbox 1991 recording, "Saw You" was the house/techno track with long keys and an TX81Z saxophone sound. [6] The TX81Z sound was "prob an edited preset". [7]
  • According to the metadata of Sean's download, it was recorded in 1990.


# Title Length
1 Autechre 5:22
2 Saw You 6:11
Total 11:33

(Note: Track lengths are taken from files shared by Sean, which likely mismatch by a few seconds with the distributed cassettes.)


  • On its Discogs page, it was noted that the tape got them signed to Warp Records. However, Sean clarified that they were actually rejected due to Warp not currently looking to sign anyone at the time. The track that actually got them signed was "Crystel" in 1991. [8]
  • The Discogs listing along with its images, created by user awkwardsilence, were confirmed to be real in the July Twitch AMA [9]. However, out of respect, the original poster stated they weren't planning on leaking the tracks.
  • Both tracks were made in Daz Fitton's studio above Dr Rock around 1989-1990 and recorded straight to cassette. [10][11]
  • The labels on the cassette were made by Sean with ink splatters.
  • An early copy spread around Soulseek (and later uploaded to YouTube by hsfq) is fake. It actually consists of the tracks "Many" and "The Brink" from Freeform's Free EP (SKAM, 1995). [12]
