Chiastic Slide

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Chiastic Slide is the fourth album by Autechre. It was originally released on February 17th, 1997 on Warp Records. It was later repressed on vinyl in 2021, alongside LP5.

cover art


  1. “Cipater” - 8:56
  2. “Rettic AC” - 2:08
  3. “Tewe” - 6:57
  4. “Cichli” - 8:53
  5. “Hub” - 7:35
  6. “Calbruc” - 3:51
  7. “Recury” - 9:44
  8. “Pule” - 8:33
  9. “Nuane” - 13:14


  • The cover art, designed by The Designers Republic, is a minimalist depiction of the Golden Gate Bridge.