
From aepages
Revision as of 20:27, 1 November 2023 by EnergyIsMassiveLight (talk | contribs) (Revamped the live shows page to a single table encapsulating tours, shows and recordings and additional notes for interest. Now just properly assemble and organise recordings. Also my god why am i attempting this on mobile help me)
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  • note from en: Before all of this I think we first need to have a finished page.
    • Not pages, just A page. I'd nominate an album page like Tri Rep or LP5, although when I write this Confield/Draft are weirdly more like contendors. I feel like the issue now is that the pages are barren, and having an example of what pages should have would be really nice for future editors. Like what SHOULD these contain? What counts as history; interviews, promos, etc. and how are they to be included? Is production always track exclusive or are there ways to write about Production for an entire record in regards to gear? Does analysis come into play like how tracks develop or specific sound design pursuits, and should it be original research or/and cited stuff? Where does cover discussion go? What sort of images are needed? How should they link to other releases, should there be dedicated controls to navigate between adjacent/chronological releases? What about era adjacent material like Chiastic with Envane and Cichlisuite? What about era-adjacent non-music releases like music videos? And after dumping all the information, how do you write about it coherently? Questions questions questions! I queried about this before: what is the DIRECTION that these things should take. I don't mind if a "finished" page takes like 4 years, I just feel like aiming for it would be a good move.
  • redesign theme to be permanently dark mode, and feature a custom banner with major page buttons
  • list out every single live show theyve ever done, and whether or not we have recordings (and the quality)
  • finish transcribing every interview from the neocities site (and find more. i think sean did an interview for the AI rerelease)
  • decide whether every song should get its own page, or be a section on the album page (if the former, then convert the remixes page to be all individual pages)
    • note from en: For now, keep it on the page unless it grows big enough to warrant its own page. i only really foresee it happening if it's like 3+ paragraphs of information which most of these will not be for a looonngg while.
  • add secrets
  • Fix gallery, add categories
  • organise home page/discography
  • sitemap for google indexing